Republicans Sam Blakeslee and Able Maldonado have teamed together for a child charity in the greater San Luis Obispo area named "The Family Care Connection". While promoting this charity both politicians refuse to review corruption in the local CPS office.
Legislation gives states incentives under Title IV-E to increase the number of children adopted out from foster care. Title IV funding provided to local CPS offices is being used for capturing and adopting out children. However, not all of these children are abused or neglected. Many children who are taken by CPS are not at risk or in any danger thus our Government is creating a form of "child trafficking". Children are becoming a very "profitable commodity". Under section 1962(b) of the RICO Act it unlawful for a person to acquire or maintain an interest in an enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity. Since a RICO claim cannot be made in the absence of criminal activity many parents are being unjustly prosecuted in kangaroo courts so that children can remain in the "system". Almost half of the children taken by CPS are being adopted out using this technique. Assemblyman Blakeslee and Senator Maldonado's actions are protecting this practice by not responding to innocent desperate parents who have sought their assistance from improper removals by overeager Social Workers. These politicians have turned a blind eye to the CPS practices and to the children and families who are being abused by the CPS system they support.
Assemblyman Blakeslee's office claims they have no involvement with CPS proceedures, yet has contacted them when children from the "Family Care Network" are at risk of escaping foster care. Senator Maldonado thinks some parents are "terrorists" if they seek his help. Some children have chaperones with them at all times so they don't try to run away to return home to their loving parents. The benefit of these unethical practices include: increased funding, full staffing, and support of their share of over 1.6 billion dollars would be lost if this corruption were exposed. This does not include the block grants exceeding 200 million dollars annually and other incentives. In a recent publication supported by Senator Maldonado and Assemblymember Sam Blakeslee The Family Care connection is asking people to write to Governor Schwarzenegger to speak out against a budget slash of 5% in foster care funding; while knowing the author of this article has been seeking their assistance for close to 6 months.
The standard practices of CPS offices throughout California and other states have been under scrutiny for the last several years. Since President Clinton placed into effect The Adoption Safe Families Act block grants have increased the number of children who are in the system. The state pays extra incentives for adopting out children over the age of 9 years old and additional funds if they require mental services or have other special needs. As a result of these block grants almost 50% of all children in CPS’s care are between the ages of 13-19 years old. Every day 36 children an hour are taken by CPS throughout the United States. In California alone more than 20% of all children are in foster care.
This is an industry, which has grown by huge proportions and must be reined in. The Gestapo type tactics currently being used by County and State agencies to increase revenue from federal sources may provide jobs today for the local economy but is having a negative impact on many levels. Good families are being torn apart and children are dying under the State's care. When CPS takes children in error they rarely return them right away. The families are subjected to endless classes and programs whether or not they are guilty. The parents suffer great financial hardships because they are forced to retain expensive independent legal counsel. Many families lose their jobs and their homes trying to get their children out of the system. Some attorney's are working in collision with CPS and help keep children in the system because it's profitable, but most will agree that CPS is in fact corrupt.
Common practices of CPS agencies include: Not investigating before removing a child, taking children into state custody based upon here say, taking children from school without a "Protective Custody Warrant", manipulating the Court system in criminal cases against the parents who are improperly prosecuted, obstruction of justice, fabricating documents, omitting facts, coercing minors, deception, isolating children from their parents, breaking bonds, traumatizing children, negative therapy, and placing children in unsafe foster homes. Children are not being evaluated right away by a doctor or seeing child advocates such as CASA. Social workers have been known to go on “witch hunts” against parents, influencing doctors, and ruining parents medical files. Many CPS agencies work in collusion with therapists who give parents false "mental conditions" which is used against them in court. Family court is "secret" so there is no jury or fair trial. Children are being heard in Judges chambers so many testimonies cannot be documented on Court record.
Many judges who rule on family court cases also sit on the boards of phony nonprofit organizations created to generate state adoption/foster care grants via federal funding. San Luis Obispo CPS has politicians heading non-profit organizations and Judges hosting “Adoption Saturdays”. California’s 2003 Little Hoover Commission Report said up to 70 percent of children in foster care should never have been removed from their homes in the first place. Children who complain about foster care or beg to go home are either placed on psychotropic medication and are sometimes sent out of State. California's website for children up for adoption can be found at: www.adoptuskids.org
Dr. Moore who is the National Director of legislative affairs for the American Family Rights Association is heading up chapters under the NAACP. Children’s rights organizations, parents, and independent non-profit agencies are also joining in the fight against CPS corruption and human trafficking. Senator Nancy Schaffer recently passed a new law that went into effect in Oklahoma and we in California are hopeful that our state will soon follow.
Kathleen Dearinger of Atascadero California is a CPS reform activist who is committed to overseeing change within her local area. She believes that the structure of CPS and Family court need to be revised and that a system designed to protect children should not be abusing the children themselves. CPS and others should not be profiting off of helpless children, whose many rights are being violated. She is working in conjunction with a number of reform and Civil Rights organizations, including Dr. Shirley Moore, the NAACP, Libertarian Groups, Serenah’s Angels, Voice for the Children, Hope4Kids, Cherish the Children, and many others to address the issues of CPS abuse. She views the biggest problem is having no accountability and poorly trained social workers who are being granted "immunity" from prosecution. The Obudsman with the Department of Social Services located in Sacramento is not effective in overseeing the CPS cases of San Luis Obispo due to their geographic location. Additionally, they represent foster care, which is a conflict of interest, and are being provided with inaccurate information from case files given to them by CPS. CPS does not currently have an internal affairs division to be able to correct the many deficiencies. Often times local police aren't involved in the removal of children; nor do they assist parents who have been wrongly accused of abuse or neglect. Ms. Dearinger wishes to develop a system that will compel CPS to abide by State and Federal laws and stop them from terrorizing families. She believes that policing agencies need to be incorporated each time a child is removed. This will ensure that the removal is being performed according to the WIC guidelines. Each removal should be fully documented, and pictures taken. Parents should be interviewed, and Protective Custody warrants should be issued "before" a child is ever removed from their home and placed into foster care. We have policing agencies on call 24 hours a day so there is no reason not to utilize their services.
The downward spiral of our society will continue until drastic changes are enacted. Reform is badly needed. Families will continue to be abused by CPS until we establish a system that actually provides protections for not only the children involved but also for the family. A strong family is the backbone of this nation, and these children are our future. The current policies and trends in family law and child protective services have hit the family hard; touching the lives of untold millions. We hope that California will revise the Child Protective Laws so that many of these children are better protected and those that are not abused can finally go home to where they belong.
About the Author:
Kathleen Dearinger is a Mother to her 16 year old daughter who was “kidjacked” from school by CPS of San Luis Obispo. Her daughter who was not abused or neglected was taken without a protective custody warrant by a biased social worker who never investigated or even visited her house. Her daughter was isolated from her and traumatized by workers at CPS for 5 long months before being sent out of state in the middle of the night against her wishes. She remains a hostage as of this writing and is unable to contact her mother at the direction of a social workers with CPS, who falsely claims she is on a “voluntary placement”. Ms. Dearinger has requested the assistance from Senator Maldonado, Assemblyman Blakeslee, the police, the FBI, and many other agencies only to find that no one investigates or oversees CPS workers. This is why we have over 500,000 children in foster care today.
cc: Huffington Post
The most important pages on the FightCPS website
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being investigated by child protective services social workers, see What To
4 years ago
what is the source of this article?
thanks for your email. they wont do anything. No one will. I guess CPS takes so many kids and congress doesn't care. It brings the states more Federal funds
I'm the source but CPS and alot of other people would not be very happy with my knowing all of this information. After all they are trying to throw me in jail so they can take my kid and everything else I have.
My article tells what we through and has notes about my research. I am still looking at the numbers. It seems that CPS is using "mental services" for funding and they try to give people "mental conditions" if they can't find abuse or neglect. No wonder we have so many kids in the system. If congress would fund The safe families act then CPS and others wouldn't make as much money.
The funding amount I originally stated is actually much much higher if you add in the Non-profits,mental health and other affiations that are recieving federal funds, donatons, and other sources of income.
I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there besides us parents and organizations like yourself who actually care about children. The whole thing makes me sick.
I pray every day for change. I look forward to the day they can be held accountable for their actions. I miss my baby nephew more than I can express. He should be home with me in Idaho and not with Strangers(Foster Parents)DCS LIED, CHEATED, and STOLE him from our family. KEN and MEG Jones of Los Gatos are no better for taking baby Bruce from his biological family that was approved to have him. Just becuase they can't have a child doesn't mean they should be able to buy our family member through the foster parent program in Santa Clara County.They can change his name to Casey but it will always be Baby Bruce. Just wait till he turns 18 and finds out what happened! He will be feel with anger for what you have done to him. So what ever anyone can do to bring this situation into the public the better we are for it. Corruption with DCS is destroying all families as we know them.
I am one of the parents that had my children taken by CPS. After 4 months of hardship and drug test and having to prove I am a good parent, I got my kids back. Now CPS won't leave me alone. I am constantly watched, I have to take services and go to programs. I have no place to turn. No one will help. My children are suffering by the questioning, I can't sleep nights. This hurts so so bad and no one will help. CPS is in control of my life everyday all day. I love my kids so I will never give up. When you do beat CPS they never go away.
I can't explane how much this article means to me. To see that I am not crazy and this is happening to other people to gives me some sanity back. CPS has ruined my life, I lost my job fighting for my children, almost lost my home. My children are scared that the police are going to take them again. I watched CPS lie in court, make up most of the things in their report just to push the case through. I thought people were better than this. My family will never be the same after CPS.
Amiable post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
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Hello, i am sorry to bother you but i really feel that our government needs to know of the CORRUPTION going on within our state and towns. The town of Abilene has gone above and beyond CORRUPTION, from the AISD, THE POLICE, and CPS. I have watched for three years my daughter be harassed by CPS, and tear my family down. Please don't get me wrong I understand that they have a job to do. But you must also look at my families position. Out of all the unwarranted allegations against my daughter and her husband ONLY one was even close to legit. A little over three years ago my daughter then just 20, gave birth to twins. Due to her husband being incarcerated at that time she was faced with being a young single mom of 2. She at that time was dealing with postpartum depression. Yes cps got involved and instead of helping my daughter with council they immediately took my grand babies. Still not offering my daughter any help, they were placed with their other grandmother, in a home where obviously cps did not go and inspect, the home had no running water, and a shower outside. And was so filthy with dog hair, and no way to move around due to the grand mother being a hoarder. As well as had the babies around a registered sex offender, who was staying at that residence also. We at that point hired an attorney to get my grand babies, and we one. Since then cps has been harassing my daughter and family, to the count of 40 unwarranted allegations against my daughter and her husband. It has come to the point that we are going to fight, we will not stand here and allow cps, Aisd and the police department to continue with the CORRUPTION, lies and blatant disregard to our rights as American citizens. WE WILL NOT STAND BY ANY LONGER AND ALLOW OUR CHILDREN TO BE VICTIMIZED BY THE ONES THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND FOR THEIR RIGHTS. PLEASE HELP US PROTECT OUR CHILDREN AND THEIR RIGHTS, TO NOT BE ABUSED BY OUR CORRUPT AGENCIES AND STATE.
Hello, i am sorry to bother you but i really feel that our government needs to know of the CORRUPTION going on within our state and towns. The town of Abilene has gone above and beyond CORRUPTION, from the AISD, THE POLICE, and CPS. I have watched for three years my daughter be harassed by CPS, and tear my family down. Please don't get me wrong I understand that they have a job to do. But you must also look at my families position. Out of all the unwarranted allegations against my daughter and her husband ONLY one was even close to legit. A little over three years ago my daughter then just 20, gave birth to twins. Due to her husband being incarcerated at that time she was faced with being a young single mom of 2. She at that time was dealing with postpartum depression. Yes cps got involved and instead of helping my daughter with council they immediately took my grand babies. Still not offering my daughter any help, they were placed with their other grandmother, in a home where obviously cps did not go and inspect, the home had no running water, and a shower outside. And was so filthy with dog hair, and no way to move around due to the grand mother being a hoarder. As well as had the babies around a registered sex offender, who was staying at that residence also. We at that point hired an attorney to get my grand babies, and we one. Since then cps has been harassing my daughter and family, to the count of 40 unwarranted allegations against my daughter and her husband. It has come to the point that we are going to fight, we will not stand here and allow cps, Aisd and the police department to continue with the CORRUPTION, lies and blatant disregard to our rights as American citizens. WE WILL NOT STAND BY ANY LONGER AND ALLOW OUR CHILDREN TO BE VICTIMIZED BY THE ONES THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND FOR THEIR RIGHTS. PLEASE HELP US PROTECT OUR CHILDREN AND THEIR RIGHTS, TO NOT BE ABUSED BY OUR CORRUPT AGENCIES AND STATE.
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