WARNING: CRIME ALERT! CPS "Child Protection Services" is kidnapping children! Stop Organized Crime! View San Luis Obispo Children Non Profits: http://www.box.net/shared/cnp6fok9i8 View your county: visit: www.guidestar.com

Monday, August 11, 2008

OJ SImpson kiled his wife, did phone "therapy " and got his kids...

Hey I got this great Therapist. I talk to Stan weekly. He used to be my daughter's therapist. Not that I believe in therapy. I suppose there are some people who need therapy. But Stan's different. He's HONEST. He's actually more of a friend. He used to be my daughter's therapist when I was going though a nasty custody battle...My ex-husband took Jenny and was in contempt of Court....long story. Anyways I started "seeing" Stan over the phone after CPS took Jenny when my ex-husband used them to them to get our daughter. Well CPS has this "thing" where they send ALL parents to therapy whether they need it or not. Although therapy is supposed to be "voluntary", CPS forces them into therapy so they can use some false excuse to keep their child. The problem with San Luis Obispo CPS is that nothing about them is ethical. They have a dishonest Director who is a "kid "snatchin'" tyrant. His social workers are sneaky, manipulative, tricky, and downright deceitful. They probably get extra vacation time or bonuses for stealing children. But this is no excuse to give parents fake mental evaluations or violate HIIPA Laws. CPS was so determined to give me a fake mental condition that they even called Doctors; giving them false information so they would make derogatory notes to my medical file. The doctor spread these lies and now my whole medical file is ruined. They even tried to slip another psychiatrist I had never heard of into my file. So knowing this why would a reasonably intelligent person want to attend "therapy" after CPS did this to them? Heellllooooooooooooo is anybody home? And why would they insist on me seeing a "local" therapist - their therapist. Hummmmm. I think they want me to be a whore to their corrupt Court so they can make more MONEY cha-ching. But what's wrong with Stan? Nothing. The problem is he's honest and he isn't being paid by SLO County.

When 0. J. Simpson pled "no contest" some years back to the charge of beating his wife, he was sentenced to psychotherapy. Cellular psychotherapy. He did it by telephone

How can OJ Simpson kill kill his wife, be sentenced to "telephone therapy" AND get his kids? Maybe someone should report this to CPS


Anonymous said...

You're nuts, doll. You should go on that all-night "I see aliens!" radio show.

Anonymous said...

Kathleen isn't nuts. She's a mother. Either help her, or get bent some place it'll matter!

osoluckyme said...

Thanks. some people are ignorant. Others just twisted. It could be a social worker or even Tyrant himself.

osoluckyme said...

I think that was an alien...........ha!

Anonymous said...

If you were diagnosed w/ a disease, let's say, Bipolar or Depression....you can take them to Court for violations/discrimination under the Americans w/ Disabilities Act.

osoluckyme said...

CPS had me and Jenny see a "neuropsychologist" who only uses a PAGER. Jenny was still at home at the time. We did the "written test" during the time I was very sick with anemia. The social worker set it all up. According to the paperwork the "doctor" is a nurse. He was paid 1500 to give us both mental conditions. The report states that I'm "Histeronic" and Jenny has a bunch of false conditions. CPS does this to be able to medicate her. I called the "Doctor" who stated I was not bipolar. He also said the test results might be different if they were taken again. The social worker did this to be able to take Jenny because there isn't any abuse. This is very common and yes I am turning in those who are involved.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Anonymous said...

Great work.