WARNING: CRIME ALERT! CPS "Child Protection Services" is kidnapping children! Stop Organized Crime! View San Luis Obispo Children Non Profits: http://www.box.net/shared/cnp6fok9i8 View your county: visit: www.guidestar.com

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Clerk of The Board of Supervisors

Santa Clara County

70 West Hedding Street, East West, 10th Floor

San Jose, CA 95110


County of Santa Clara

Department of Risk Management

Insurance and Complaint Division

1735 North First Street, Suite 108

San Jose, CA 95112

408 392 3460, Fax 408 441 6498


Governor Arnold Swartzenhager

State of California

Office of Governor

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814


Constituent Affairs Representative

Office of the Governor

State of California

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814


California Dept. of Social Services

Public Inquiry Response MS 16-23

State Hearings Division

P.O. Box 944243

Sacramento, CA94244-2430


Director of CDSS

744 P Street

Sacramento, CA 95814


President George Bush

President of the United States

White House

Washington, DC 20447


Office of the Inspector General

Attn: Investigations Division

950 Pennsylvania Av., NW Suite 4706

Washington, DC20530-0001


Attorney General

US Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania AV

Washington, DC 20530U.S.


Department of Health & Human Services

Administration for Children and Families

Public Inquiry Unit, Region IX

50 United Nations Plaza, Rm. 450

San Francisco, CA 94102


Your local Legislators:

CA Senator Barbara Boxer

1700Montgomery Street, Suite 240

San Francisco, CA 94111

(415) 403-0100

(415) 956-6701 fax


CA Senator Diane Fienstein

One Post Street,

Suite 2450

San Francisco, CA 94104

(415) 393-0707CA

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